
Record-Setting TPC-C Result!

853 TPM-C

Uniprocessor SPARCstation 20 (512 MB RAM, 10 GB HD)
[currently under audit]

The TPC-C Benchmark

ADB Inc. has achieved the highest performance and cost performance results for a TPC-C benchmark on a uniprocessor SPARCstation platform. We expect to extend this result onto other platforms, including symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) and massively parallel processing (MPP) platforms.

The Context

The TPC-C benchmark simulates typical company activities, with customer transactions on data warehouses in various geographical districts. The TPC-C benchmark simulates employee activity using virtual character-based terminals. This activity involves repetition of the following cycles:

  1. Selection of a Business Transaction type
  2. Presentation of the corresponding capture grid
  3. Capture of the grid
  4. Transaction execution
  5. Presentation of result
  6. Idle time

There are 5 kinds of Business Transactions:



During TPC-C benchmark execution, the main result reported is the Maximum Qualified Throughput (MTQH), representing the number of New Order transactions executed by the system during the benchmark.

The MTQH is measured in TPM-C (transactions per minute for TPC-C).
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